Three Speed Air Massage With Auto Purge Function Video

One of the systems that helps keep your Ella Walk-In tub fresh and clean is the air massage auto-purge system. After the air pump is turned off, some water flows back into the air pipes which, if left there would create mildew and bacteria. Twenty minutes after you shut off the air massage, auto-purge turns the air pump back on to blow out the water in the air pipes and runs for two minutes, making sure your tub is free from water, mold and mildew. Sometimes you may still be in the tub when this happens. This can be surprising, but don’t be alarmed… it’s just the tub taking care of itself and making sure you have years of clean, reliable service.

If you need to exit the tub while auto purge is running, just drain the water out of your tub and exit normally.


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